ourecohouse.info: Help us build an ecological house

ourecohouse.info: Help us build an ecological house

ourecohouse.info: Most interesting threads on our Eco forum

Thursday 15 March 2007

If you like our idea you can easily support us

We started a website (http://www.ourecohouse.info), which raises money to build an ecological house and to support 40 forum members in green living by giving each of them £10,000. We raise money mainly thanks to our donors. Donations can be anonymous or we can show links to donors websites with descriptions.

Forum members who would like to receive a financial support will need to send us a proof that they do care about environment. They will need to send us receipts which show that they bought at least 3 energy saving bulbs, 3 ecological cleaning products and 3 organic food products.

Now, this is the part where it becomes really interesting. We believe that although only 40 forum members will receive a financial support, thousands of others will play the game. So there will be thousands of energy saving bulbs and ecological cleaning products sold. This will help the environment immediately.

Also the amount of money raised is visible online, so everybody can check it any time. Once it passes a certain amount we're sure that media will also mention it in their news and even more people will start to think about environment and some of them will also join the competition.

This means more environment-friendly products sold and bigger awareness about the environment among people. Environment does not have borders so everybody can play the game no matter where they live. So if this campaign succeed we will make people aware about the environment worldwide and this is exactly what our environment needs.

We're at the beginning of this journey so if you could help us to spread this information among other people maybe by posting an article on your blog or website or to copy a text below which will show our icon that would be great.

Icon for your website
<a href="http://www.ourecohouse.info"><img src="http://www.ourecohouse.info/images/icon.gif" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="We support ourecohouse.info" title="We support ourecohouse.info" /></a>

We support ourecohouse.info

Thank you for your help

Petr Kratochvil and Vera Volsanska

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ourecohouse.info: Our latest donations

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