ourecohouse.info: Help us build an ecological house

ourecohouse.info: Help us build an ecological house

ourecohouse.info: Most interesting threads on our Eco forum

Wednesday 21 March 2007

We're building a £1,000,000 ecological house from on-line donations


Two Czech students living in the United Kingdom are going to build an ecological house and to support 40 forum members in green living. The aim is to raise £1,000,000 from donations. Watch the progress on-line.

The problem we face nowadays is that we burn so much fossil fuels that it has an impact on the whole planet. Environmental groups suggest people what they should do to lower their ecological footprint but unfortunately they ask them to give up many things they like doing. The response which environmentalists receive is that many people feel that they need to protect those things. It separates our society into two groups who fight with each other.

We want to show that modern lifestyle is possible without damaging our environment. Thanks to modern technology like solar panels, wind turbines, environment-friendly products, we can live comfortably for generations to come.

We are going to build an ecological house and we are also going to support forty forum members who want to live ecologically by giving them £10,000 (around $19,000, €14,000 ).

The amount we have raised is visible on-line on http://www.ourecohouse.info and the progress of building the house will be monitored there as well.

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